Hi JT,

There is the expectation that if the author requested that a PDF not be copied, then the PDF is not to be copied. This is done by a password protecting mechanism when the PDF is saved and exists in the PDF file. The author of Xpdf makes his position known on subverting this feature:


So, although our goal is just, and I don't believe we are "copying" the PDF against the spirit of this feature, I don't feel I can point out which lines to delete in the pdftotext.cc file before recompiling it :(.

Maybe others can offer this info, or Google can help. For example :



JT DeLys wrote, on 17/07/07 10:23 PM:

    Simple fix here was to compile a _special_ pdftotext to be used for
SpamAssassin that would allow parsing of these files :).

could you share what you did that was 'special'?

config options? other?



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