On Friday 20 July 2007, Kelson wrote:
>Gene Heskett wrote:
>>> I've been toying with "DANGER - DIHYDROGEN-MONOXIDE IN USE" signs
>>> recommending use of appropriate protective gear. But in today's terrorism
>>> atmosphere some idiot might not get it and....
>> Chuckle...
>> Only if they failed introductory chemistry 101, but it should be good for
>> a chuckle even if you did have to explain it to the high school graduate,
>> I know everything crowd.  Its when they _still_ don't get it that could be
>> a problem.  By then they wouldn't touch a glass of it even with some of it
>> in frozen form on a steaming hot day.  Doesn't Darwin have an award for
>> those?
>Sadly, this isn't as implausible as one might hope.  A few years ago, a
>nearby city council (Aliso Viejo, California) came close to banning
>styrofoam cups based on the fact that they contained a dangerous
>chemical: dihydrogen monoxide.
>They blamed it on a paralegal who did "bad research," but somehow
>managed not to catch the joke until after it had been scheduled for a vote.

I guess that's just another chapter in the proof that there is one born every 

And, sometimes one lets such things come to their regular conclusion just so 
we can say, while sharpening one finger against another, I told you so...  
There is a certain amount of self satisfaction to that when the whole thing 
is a matter of public record to be discussed in the media, at length, just 
prior to the next election.  :-)

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind.
                -- Wm. Shakespeare

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