You place the databases in the /var/lib/clamav (same default dir as the standard databases for clamav). Reload clamav or wait till freshclam kicks in.


On Tue, 31 Jul 2007, Sujit Acharyya-Choudhury wrote:

Thanks for the reply.  How do you configure the databases) downloaded from 
Sanesecurity for use with spamassassin?

Many thanks


-----Original Message-----
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of René Berber
Sent: 30 July 2007 20:04
Subject: Re: Problem with clamav plugin

Sujit Acharyya-Choudhury wrote:

I am using clamav as our virus scanner on our mail gateway (exim).
This seems to discard lot of e-mails.  Is there any benefit of using
clamav for spamassassin from Sanesecurity?

There's no such thing.

If you meant the plugin, the answer is no; Exim will stop anything detected as 
virus and the plugin will never receive one (it just wastes time).

If you meant using the databases from Sanesecurity, the answer is yes.  They 
add spam and additional phishing detection that clamd uses.
René Berber

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