At 01:28 PM 8/10/2007, Igor Chudov wrote:
I am considering a local deal related to hosting by Comcast cable
(8mbps down, 1 mbps up).

I am concerned, however, with me sending email and being on comcast IP
range, due to bad rap that Comcast has due to spamming by Comcast
hosted zombies.

Do you think that my mailserver will have issues if I host it on
comcast netwrk?

That would be a static IP and, hopefully, I can get comcast to reverse
resolve it to a hostname on one of my domains.


We're on a dynamic Verizon business DSL and use the Verizon server (with AUTH) and haven't had much trouble. The main thing is, SEND THROUGH A FIXED SERVER. In your case, you might want to use the server from whoever hosts your DDNS.

Jerry Durand, Durand Interstellar, Inc.
tel: +1 408 356-3886, USA toll free: 1 866 356-3886
Skype:  jerrydurand

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