On Sat, 2007-08-18 at 19:26 -0700, Jo Rhett wrote:
> Loren Wilton wrote:
> > From: "Jo Rhett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 
> >> So the only thing which is actually working to catch these is bayes 
> >> and bayes-based systems.  Not rules, and not AV.
> > 
> > Is that a statement about your own system?  MANY people have responded 
> > that quite a number of other things like pdfinfo and clamav and various 
> > rules are working just fine for them.  So youur statement would seem to 
> > be about your own system, rather than the ability in general to stop 
> > these things.
> The comment was in response to the quoted text above it.
> I have asked which alternate signatures, and everyone keeps popping up 
> saying stock clamav, which has no signatures for ecards.

The alternate signatures from Sane Security
<http://www.sanesecurity.com/clamav/> seem to be catching most of them
for me.


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