On Mon, 15 Oct 2007 at 15:26 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] confabulated:

I have recently moved to a new VPS, everything has been setup for me and is
working well except Spamassassin. (I've never had problems with it on my
previous host and I'm a newbie to working with it, so please excuse my

Hopefully this might help.

Server: Apache/1.3.37
Spamassassin Version 3.2.3  running on perl 5.8.8

I have tested the install by using spamassassin -D <  sample-spam.txt  and
it seems to work fine.

Now the problem, all incoming emails on all accounts have following headers

X-Spam-Status: No, score=
X-Spam-Flag: NO

Even if I send the Spam test email.

My hosting support company has tried to fix it but have suggested I try

I hope someone can help.

Any advice much appreciated.

Have you changed the default setting for adding headers in SA?

Look for 'X-Spam-Bar' in your SA config file (local.cf). You may have an issue with something outside the realm of SA.

Also, the default setting for the header 'X-Spam-Status' doesn't contain the word 'score'.

Are you running anything else that calls SA?

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