I have recently upgraded a SpamAssassin installation from 3.2.1 to 
3.2.4. Since then URIBL hits have dropped to nearly zero, where before 
there were several hundred per day. Immediately after the upgrade, there 
were a handful of hits on URIBL_BLACK, but I have not seen any at all in 
the last few days. No configs have been changed with the upgrade, but 
sa_update is run nightly via cron. The upgrade was done with CPAN, after 
first making sure that all relevant Perl modules were up to date. Google 
doesn't show me anything about problems with URIBL and SA 3.2.4, so I'm 
inclined to think there's a problem with my particular installation. 

I'm getting hits on Razor rules, so other network checks are working, 
and I do have 'loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL' in my 
init.pre. I'm not sure where to look next and I'd be grateful to be 
pointed in the right direction.

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