Duane Hill wrote:
On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 17:02:11 -0800
Bob Amen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Michael Scheidell wrote:
Works fine for me. Are you sure you weren't blocked?
In fact, I found several sites (different networks, not mine) where
it doesn't work.
(I don't query more than 10,000 per day)

The one that works best is the one that is doing 150K queries per
day. Figure that.

tried: each and every one of them.
Am I blocked? Did I piss someone off?  Im not blocked because of
'excessive' use.
Quite possibly. I think they're getting stricter regarding their fair use policy. One of my servers was blocked while another wasn't
even though the latter was just as high volume. I suspect the other
server would have been blocked had I not opted for their paid service.

So, you have paid for their services? Per their agreement, you should
be able to distribute the zones across servers within your
organization. That is what we are doing. Our SpamHaus zones _ONLY_
resolve within our network (not to the outside world).

Yes, that's what we do. The blockage was before we decided to buy their services.


                                Bob Amen
                            O'Reilly Media, Inc.

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