At 17:51 08-03-2008, Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET wrote:
        As part of it all, I also want to try to keep disk usage and CPU
down to as little as possible. With 120,000 per day, thats a junk mail
every 3/4's of a second. Since I have it set to deliver to /dev/null, I
reduce the amount of disk usage. I'm looking for a solution that would be
easy on the disk and easy on the CPU.  So something directly out of the MTA
would be great (sendmail) or something that the delivery would not store
it locally.

Rewrite the recipient address of these emails to another address. That should reduce disk usage on that server and filtering load. You can run the reporting on another server. It can be done hourly by processing the mailbox instead of one message at a time. That would require some code changes.


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