On Sat, 6 Sep 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You know, it is a 1000 times easier to just do
$ sa-update --nogpg
than to try to figure our the right way from the messages that
surround "channel: GPG validation failed, channel failed", or the
sa-update man page, or writing this group and asking what to do. So
there, the result is gpg is defeated.

The cure is to have the error message to say
"Do sa-update --import bbblllaaa", with the exact name it wants.

I challenge you to figure it out just from the failure message to
sa-update -D. One ends up lost reading

It is 1000 times easier to just do
$ sa-update --nogpg.

I don't have any issues using GPG. Instructions have ALWAYS been clear and when followed to the letter, have no issues.


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