On Thu, 6 Nov 2008, Mark Martinec wrote:


     I was doing some tests with all the recommendations you sent me...
and I can make to work the server correctly... I was filtering spam with
no problems and my performances troubles dissapeard...

     I just configured 5 procs for amavis and postfix content filter and
I turn off the network tests...  the server can filter a lot of spam and
delivery quickly... but now appears another problem :(

With your 4 CPU 4 GB mem box you should be able to run more than 4
amavisd(+SA) processes. As a rule of a thumb, I'd say your box should
not have trouble running 20..30 processes.

I haven't ran amavisd-new on our servers yet. However, I do run SA directly out of Postfix on a server with 4x3.5Ghz dual core zeon processors with 12Gb of RAM. I haven't had any issues with the following startup params:

  --min-children=10 --max-children=40 --min-spare=10 --max-spare=20

and haven't ran into any issues for over a year now. This server handles an average over six million connections every 24 hours at present. I am getting ready to toss more RAM at the server as connections have increased.

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