Hi Daryl, thanks for the quick response

On Fri, 2008-11-28 at 22:30 -0500, Daryl C. W. O'Shea wrote:

> On 28/11/2008 10:11 PM, George Fong wrote:
> > I suspect I have missed something simple but when I do sa-update --debug
> > it can't find spamassassin.apache.org for the updates. I am guessing
> > that this server only lives in Ipv4 Land?
> Correct.

Mystery solved ;-)

> > If this is the case, is there an IPv6 repository that can be reached?
> There are no IPv6 repositories that I am aware of.  If there's enough
> interest in one, I'd be happy to look into setting an official one up.

We would be keen and appreciative of this. I'm not sure what the status
of mirror systems is but we would also be keen on assisting here too. If
there is anything we can do to push this forward please let us know.

> As an aside, I'd be interested to know how much, if any, spam you get to
> your IPv6 only server.  I had one for a short while a number or years
> ago and didn't get any mail at all.

Well this is the first of a number of IPv6 mail servers we will be
building and putting into operation. We will probably have a dual stack
one as well and as our experience builds up I will feed back to the

Innovation in IPv6, especially in relation to the elimination of NAT and
the prospect of real end to end integrity must in our view open up the
prospects of developing better ways of stopping spam and malware. 

As far as v6 is concerned I think that 2009 will be a threshold year for
this :-)

Cheers and thanks.

> Daryl
> ------------------------------------------------------------ 
> This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content 
> by MailScanner and is believed to be clean.

George Fong
Lateral Plains Pty Ltd
Tel: +61 3 5335 2243
Just remember, wherever you go .... there you are.


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