On 19 Jun, 2009, at 14:38 , Karsten Bräckelmann wrote:
On Fri, 2009-06-19 at 13:57 -0600, LuKreme wrote:
On 19 Jun, 2009, at 06:12 , Karsten Bräckelmann wrote:

I just received this: http://pastebin.com/m54006b68

420K in size - standard configuration of SA wouldn't have even run over
this message. [...]

SA would have scanned it by default just fine. The default size limit
for spamc is 500 KB. No size limit imposed by spamd.

A 420K image will result in an email well over 500K in size.

Next time, please do your homework, Lu.

We're talking about a message that's 427,868 Byte large in total.

Oh, I just looked at the numbers in the emails and figured they would be right, I did not look at the actual message. If the image was, in fact 420K, it would have to be over 500K encoded.

Including the base64 *encoded* image. You probably would have noticed
that, if you would have bothered to check any detail at all before

Yep, had I downloaded the email in question and checked its byte count I would have found the *encoded* image was 417,920 bytes (408KB), and not that the actual image was 420KB (430,080). I trusted OP to post the right information. For the record, the image was 304KB (309,272) for an inflation rate that would have easily put any 420KB image over the 500KB threshold.

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