On Sat, 2009-07-11 at 07:14 -0500, McDonald, Dan wrote:
> From: rich...@buzzhost.co.uk [mailto:rich...@buzzhost.co.uk]
> >On Fri, 2009-07-10 at 22:46 -0500, McDonald, Dan wrote:
> >> >From: Jason L Tibbitts III [mailto:ti...@math.uh.edu]
> >> >>>>> "MD" == McDonald, Dan <dan.mcdon...@austinenergy.com> writes:
> >>
> >> MD> They are using underscores, which are a [:punct:], but don't
> form
> >> MD> a \b break.
> >One of my customers has this in their Postfix body blocks and it
> seems
> >to do well. No doubt it could be adapted to SA or even made more
> 'curt'
> >
> >/www((\.\s{1,10}|\s{1,10}\.|
> >\s{1,10}\.\s{1,10})[a-z1-9]{1,50}(\.\s{1,10}|\s{1,10}\.|
> >\s{1,10}\.\s{1,10}|\.)|\.[a-z1-9]{1,50}(\.\s{1,10}|\s{1,10}\.|
> >\s{1,10}\.\s{1,10}))(net|com)/        REJECT body contains officated
> uri
> >
> >Use it at your own risk....
> it won't hit anything now.  They aren't using periods any more.  They
> switched to underscores last night, and commas this morning.  Be ready
> for exclamation points later today!  Their click rate has to be
> dropping
> like a rock and the only purpose at this point is to annoy us.
I guess it goes without saying to duplicate the rule for other options ?
I've added duplicates for all the obvious characters on the keyboard -
I'm just waiting to see some more creativity from them :-)

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