On Nov 25, 2009, at 9:03 AM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:

> On 25.11.09 03:23, jdow wrote:
>> Having a little help might help them maintain a better product.
>> But (that bitter word), the basic concept is broken. If the spammer
>> can make more money than it costs to get on the Habeas whitelist
>> then they will pull the same trick I've seen here in California in the
>> construction trades.
> Some time ago they used to sue spammers, according to discussion here they
> don't anymore. Maybe that's one of their biggest problems.

Actually, the legal threat over the old X-Habeas header never accomplished 
anything.  It's been much more effective to simply stop whitelisting anyone who 
is sending spam.

J.D. Falk <jdf...@returnpath.net>
Return Path Inc

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