nathang wrote:

I'd like to setup an email account in cPanel so that I receive *all*
incoming emails that contain a specific word in the subject line.

It would be critical that I get 100% of the emails sent to me (that contain
a specific word in the subject line), and that none of them get trapped by a
spam filter or whatnot, as these emails would signify my paying customers
with their order details.

I know that you can whitelist individual email addresses, but is it possible
to whitelist based on subject line text?

If this possible to do in cPanel / WHM, how would I go about doing it?

Probably, but this is the *SpamAssassin* mailing list, not the cPanel / WHM mailing list so I'm not sure why you are asking here?

I could tell you how to do this in SpamAssassin, but I have no idea in cPanel / WHM as I've never used it :)

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