On Sun, 3 Jan 2010, stef64 wrote:

I've uploaded the complete raw source into pastebin...


That's only the HTML body text. That doesn't include any of the MIME message markup or message headers generated by whatever tool takes that and converts it into an email message, so much of any advice we can provide will only be guesswork.

Can you paste a full email that your system is sending out? Or is this evaluation score being generated by a tool that only wants a block of HTML from you?

Score Breakdown:

1.3 URI: URI hostname has long hexadecimal sequence

Long blocks of unreadable data in a URI can indicate it is a "tracking" URI, used to identify precisely which recipient email address received the message and actually accessed the URI. This is considered a sign of bulk mail.

I don't see anything like that in the body text you posted, but I do see what appear to be replacement tags for things like unsubscribe links. That is the likely source for this hit (i.e. the URI that is replacing the tag is encoded in this manner to identify the recipient so that an unsubscribe can be properly processed). As you appear to be using a mailing list service, this is likely a hit you'll just have to live with. Fixing it would be something for your service provider to look into. It would involve changing how they encode their unsubscribe (and other subscriber-specific) links.

0.0 BODY: HTML included in message


1.7 BODY: Message only has text/html MIME parts

Please be considerate of your recipients who do not wish to receive, or due to handicap are unable to read, HTML body parts, and also include a plain text version of your body content in your messages.

As you are apparently only providing a block of HTML to your mailing service, it's possible this is an inherent weakness of the mail service you're using to send your messages. Contact your service provider and see if they offer any way to also provide a plain-text body part in addition to the HTML. If they do not, then you'll just have to accept this hit, and also accept that you will not be communicating effectively with some portion of your subscribers.


The message includes a part (typically an attachment) whose base64 encoding does not follow the relevant standards. This is a big problem.

Again, as this is probably related to the message your provider generates rather than to the content you're trying to send, you should contact them and tell them to fix their BASE64 encoding so that it's done properly.

In summary, there's probably little you yourself can do to reduce this score apart from also providing a plain-text body part, assuming the tools your mail provider offers even allow you to do that.

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