> On Thu, 21 Jan 2010, LuKreme wrote:
> : You shouldn't be sending ANY mailinglists through SpamAssassin.

On 22.01.10 09:49, Charles Gregory wrote:
> Say what? And how exactly do you propose to do that for hundreds of users, 
> any of whom could be subscribed to many different lists? Far too much for 
> any manual system (presuming you could even get the cooperation of users 
> who are mostly oblivious to our filtering efforts).
> If you are suggesting something automated, how would you suggest that I 
> identify legitimate mailing lists separate from spammer-faked 'mailing 
> lists'? X-List headers cannot be relied upon....

I'd simply say: try to avoid feeding to SA mail from known/trusted
lists/IPs... I think that's reasonable.

Btw Have I already asked you for using something standard ('>') for quoting?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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