---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Michael Scheidell <scheid...@secnap.net>
Date:  Mon, 01 Feb 2010 10:11:36 -0500

>I am almost ready to post the pr to upgrade SA 3.2.5 to SA 3.3.0 which 
>is the first step in getting the SA 3.30 port officially on FreeBsd 
>ports system.
>Prior to this, please update your dependencies, specifically, upgrade 
>p5-Mail-DKIM to at least 0.37, and if you are using amavisd-new, upgrade 
>to at least 2.6.4
>If you are using DCC, upgrade to at least 1.3.111 (if you are using the 
>non-commercial version), or to use the new DCC reputations in the 
>commercial version, use at least 2.3.111
>Not having these minimum dependencies will cause the portupgrade program 
>to fail until you upgrade.
>Note: new installs will automagicly install the minimum dependencies as 
>long as your ports tree is updated.
>Once I have the ports patches uploaded to Freebsd, I will port the PR 

Any adjustments required in amavisd-new?

thanks for the porting work


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