Am 11.02.2010 22:37, schrieb Spiro Harvey:
> We're getting a boatload of To and From addresses starting with pipe
> characters on one of our clients' mailservers. The messages themselves
> don't appear particularly malicious -- the ones we've seen are just
> pill spam -- but there are craploads of them.
> I was thinking about configuring an SA rule to just bump the scores up
> a few points (most of those that are getting thru seem to be scoring
> about 8 or 9), so adding a few points will push them into reject
> territory.
> Oh, and the client has historically allowed catch-all mail domains
> hence why so many of these are being delivered. We've managed to get
> them to not allow catch-alls now, but they still have 20-odd-thousand
> historical domains that haven't had the catch-alls removed yet..
> So I'm just wondering if others encounter this with enough regularity,
> and if so what your thoughts and advice are. I don't particularly want
> to add rules into sendmail, so SA is my avenue of choice.
> Cheers

I also had a lot of load for this kind of mail until I added a
header_checks rule


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