El 08/11/10 12:31, Matus UHLAR - fantomas escribió:
On Thu, 28 Oct 2010, Angel L. Mateo wrote:
Is there any reason for this pattern being so general? Or this is a bug?

El 28/10/10 15:03, John Hardin escribió:
IPv4 addresses are numbers (uint4 to be precise), dotted quad notation
is just the most-human-readable way to represent them. It is valid to
represent an IPv4 address as a 32-bit hex value.

On 08.11.10 11:51, Angel L. Mateo wrote:
        I know this, but is '72d07e260c444a7' an IP address? Not for me, but

Are you sure it's the one header that matches it? Aren't there more
Received: headers?

Yes, it is. It's one or more digits, followed by one or more non digits... The problem is that the pattern [a-z]\S*\d+[^\d\s]\d+[^\d\s]\d+[^\d\s]\d+[^\d\s][^\.]*\.\S+\.\S+[^\]]+ is too general.

Angel L. Mateo Martínez
Sección de Telemática
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