Benny Pedersen wrote:

> 2011/5/25 Henrik K <>:
>> If you are using RelayCountry plugin, you are most likely using
>> almost two years old IP::Country::Fast database, or possibly even
>> older.
>> You might want to update the database, I tried a random sample of
>> 20000 ips from my flow and 6% of the results were changed.
>> I documented some details here:
>> (I think I will commit Geo::IP support to trunk soon)
> yep hope this will have ipv6 also, sorry that i say wiki was bad, its
> not, i just seem to remember xx was a specific country, but
> generateing country lists now does not include xx so let that asside,
> is IP::Country hardest to update then Geo::IP ?
> last one is not completly free as i remember ?

There is always - I've been using that in
rbldnsd format for a couple of years. 

/Per Jessen, Zürich

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