On 10/14, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
> While I have no doubt there is much of wanted mail with URL and text
> mismatch, I still would like to have such rule.

It exists, you're welcome to copy it out of the rules sandbox and use it,
false positives and all.  I already linked to it:

rawbody  __SPOOFED_URL  m/<a\s[^>]{0,2048}\bhref=(?:3D)?.?(https?:[^>"'\# 
# even with scrubbing, probably can't handle 'legit' tracking redirectors
meta     SPOOFED_URL    __SPOOFED_URL && !(__VIA_ML || __SENDER_BOT || 
describe SPOOFED_URL    Has a link whose text is a different URL

And I need to remind you that it hits almost as much ham as spam:

I agree it seems like we should be able to improve it.  Maybe make
exceptions for known marketing trackers, as Adam Katz mentioned it has
problems with.  

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