On 05/01/2013 04:06 PM, doneshlaher wrote:
Hello Axb,

Thank you for providing with the domain names. We will be suspending all
these reported domain names.

However, in the mean time may i know what kind of spams have been received

snowshoe / pillz / you name it

also can you please forward us the email headers of few of the reported
domain names.

this won't happen. I have zero plans of disclosing any of my users data.

This would help us to analyse the headers and understand, whether we the
account is compromised or not.

check you own mail traffic - you must get enough spam to figure this out yourselves. Fixin AFTER abuse doesn't scale - preventing it is what you should have prepared for in the first place?

.........meanwhile the list grows as does Directi's revenue.

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