On 5/31/2013 8:30 AM, Matteo Vannucchi - TeamEnterprise wrote:
Hello, my name is Matteo.

I do not manage a spamassassin installation, but I would like to ask this simple question, because I saw it is a rule which is used to evaluate spam score. I tried searching Google, the users forum, the Wiki and the Docs page in the site, but did not find any information. The simple question is: how does T_KHOP_FOREIGN_CLICK rule work?

Hope the answer is as simple.

It's a fairly complex regex rule. Without spending too much time analyzing it, I think it is looking for a link that says "click here" in a language other than english.

A related question is why is this rule name duplicated? My guess is that it was changed at some point from a rawbody rule to a uri_detail rule and the old one was left in there. One of them should be removed to avoid confusion.

from 72_active.cf:

rawbody T_KHOP_FOREIGN_CLICK m{\bhref=[^>]{9,199}>[^<]{0,80}(?:<(?!/a\b)[^>]{0,299}>[^<]{0,80}){0,9}[^<]{0,80}\b(?:cli(?:quez\W|ck\Wa)ici\b|cli(?:cca\W|c\Wa|que\Wa)qu[^<.,a ]|klie?k(?:\Whi?er|ni(?:j|nite)\Wtu[tk]aj)\b)}si

uri_detail T_KHOP_FOREIGN_CLICK text =~ /\b(?:cli(?:quez\W|ck\Wa)ici\b|cli(?:cca\W|c\Wa|que\Wa)qu[^<.,a ]|klie?k(?:\Whi?er|ni(?:j|nite)\Wtu[tk]aj)\b)/i


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