Amir 'CG' Caspi wrote:
> At 8:58 AM -0400 06/18/2013, Ben Johnson wrote:
>> a.) You are copying/pasting the body of the email, but not the headers.
> No, I am copying the headers... however, I am using Eudora (ancient, I
> know) as a mail client, and it's possible the headers are not properly
> formatted.  For example, for SpamCop I have to use their "workaround"
> script.  I don't know what exactly is mal-formed, though.
> I should admit at this point that much of my sa-learn has been on
> Eudora's mboxes, by the way.  That is, I would take the Eudora mbox and
> sa-learn on that.  Eudora is supposed to use standard mbox format, but
> I'm wondering if maybe it's not so standard after all...

Try opening the on-disk file with Notepad (or your favourite text editor
on *nix).  If you see the same thing you see when you hit the "blah blah
blah" button in Eudora, you should be OK.  If not...


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