On Aug 1, 2013, at 12:44 PM, Benny Pedersen <m...@junc.eu> wrote:

> Franck Martin skrev den 2013-07-31 23:06:
>> Now as we move to IPv6, reputation will shift from an IP based type
>> reputation, to a domain based type reputation. Unfortunately, spam
>> assassin seems to be lacking some rules.
> still missing dmarc spamassassin plugin, there is a dkim_reput but i dont see 
> much help there, it could be bootstrapped if one have own dkim_repution 
> server and reporting based on opendkim
> and it failed for me with http://www.dkim-reputation.org/ it might work, but 
> would work better if more used it

While interesting, I think this is a dead end... There is some IETF work to do 
some reputation system... not sure exactly what

>> Nevertheless, it does not matter, if it is the right or wrong
>> direction, my question remains: how do I create such a rule?
> rule for ?

grabbing a domain from some headers and checking it with a DNSBL.

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