Zitat von Florian Lindner <mailingli...@xgm.de>:

Since we move our server (and upgrade from oldstabe to stable) I want to
reconsider how I organize mails serverside.

Debian, MTA is postfix, MDA maildrop (like procmail), IMAP was courier, will be dovecot.

if you use dovecot, maildrop is obsolete.
deliver your mail via LMTP (or dovecot-lda) to dovecot and let dovecot-sieve do the filtering to subfolders.

Also consider using amavisd-new + clamav + spamassassin to REJECT mails. (not accept + delete) You may connect amavisd-new as SMTPD_PROXY or using amavisd-milter to your postfix MTA.

My biggest open question is how to integrate the SA bayes filter, esp. when and on what folders to do training.
I train sa only using the autolearn feature.


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