Joe Quinn wrote:
> Magnificent! Thanks for the quick reply.
> I will try this out when I get a chance. Do I have permission to copy
> your code below, with attribution of course?

Sure.  Consider this fragment public domain.


> On 12/31/2013 10:57 AM, Kris Deugau wrote:
>> Joe Quinn wrote:
>>> We semi-frequently get notified of spam in the form of AOL's notorious
>>> abuse reports. The actual spam is an attachment of mime type
>>> message/rfc822, which we have to extract by hand to make them easier to
>>> organize. We would like to have a tool that operates on all of these
>>> messages in one keystroke.
>>> Is there a good way to automatically do this, pulling out every rfc822
>>> attachment from an mbox and writing it back into the same mbox, or will
>>> we have to resort to writing some perl?
>>> This macro from the mutt wiki appears to do what we want, albeit on just
>>> an individual attachment -
>>>      macro attach E
>>> <save-entry><kill-line>/home/insert_username_here/aol_mbox<enter>
>>> I have not been able to find any documentation on how to map over
>>> attachments by mime type, nor how to map over just the
>>> messages.
>>> Any ideas?
>> I set up a mail delivery handler for the role account
>> here that does just this.  Our webmail systems have "Report as spam"
>> buttons that forward a message as an attachment, so automatically
>> extracting those attached messages and filing them in a separate folder
>> as they come in really helps.  We've also managed to train a few users
>> to Do The Right Thing from their desktop mail clients, although
>> Outlook's output is sometimes *still* missing most of the headers.
>> I can't post the entire thing (there's a *lot* of extra noise left over
>> from the primary handler I adapted), but here's the key part:
>> ====
>> ## waaaay up near the top of the script:
>>    use MIME::Parser;
>>    use MIME::Base64;
>> ## begin new MIME::Parser deconstruction
>>      my $parser = new MIME::Parser;
>> # apparently not in MIME::Parser 5.420, but it's in 5.427
>> #    $parser->tmp_dir("$tmpdir/$time.$$.working");
>> # so we do this instead (eww)
>>      umask 0077;
>>      $parser->output_under($tmpdir);
>> # set some useful options
>>      $parser->extract_nested_messages(0);
>>      $parser->decode_bodies(0);
>>      # sigh.  be nice if the filenames could be arbitrarily *set* for
>>      # the temp working copies...  since not, we have to manually fiddle
>>      # the data back and forth.
>>      my $time = time;
>>      my $partfile = "$tmpdir/$time.$$.part";
>>      my $entity = $parser->parse_open($tmp_file);
>>      foreach my $subent ($entity->parts()) {
>>        my $type = $subent->mime_type;
>>        if ($type =~ m|message/rfc822|i) {
>>          # hack pthui.  some idiot MUAs (or antispam plugins, more
>> likely) have started to
>>          # base-64 the attached message, in its entirety.  Which results
>> in the extracted
>>          # message being just a blob of base64, unreadable by the mail
>> server or client.
>>          # This is a major nuisance.
>>          my $b64 = (
>> $subent->{mail_inet_head}->{mail_hdr_hash}->{'Content-Transfer-Encoding'}
>> ?
>> ${$subent->{mail_inet_head}->{mail_hdr_hash}->{'Content-Transfer-Encoding'}[0]}
>> =~ /: base64/
>>                  : 0);
>>          if (my $fh = $subent->open("r")) {
>>            open(FH, ">$partfile");
>>            while (defined(my $line = $fh->getline)) {
>>              if ($b64) {
>>                print FH decode_base64($line);
>>              } else {
>>                print FH $line;
>>              }
>>            }
>>            close(FH);
>>            $fh->close;
>>            mail_deliver("$settings{HD}/Maildir", 0660,
>> $settings{QT}{UID}, $settings{QT}{UID}, ".reported", $partfile);
>>          }
>>        }
>>      }
>> # don't need to do this, mail_deliver does it for us...
>> #    unlink $tmp;
>>      mail_deliver("$settings{HD}/Maildir", '0600', $settings{QT}{UID},
>> $settings{QT}{UID}, 'INBOX', $tmp_file);
>>      # clean up after the MIME::Parser object
>>      $parser->filer->purge;
>> ## done new MIME::Parser deconstruction
>> ====
>> $tmp_file is a temporary working file that stores the message, it
>> shouldn't take much to tweak this into working with STDIN/STDOUT
>> (perhaps as called by a :0fc procmail recipe?).
>> mail_deliver is a sub that calls a custom local binary that writes a
>> message to a specified folder in a particular user's Maildir;  replace
>> as suitable for your system.
>> This also handles the case of users who forward a group of messages from
>> their mail client.
>> -kgd

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