On 2/6/2014 8:32 PM, Dave Warren wrote:
On 2014-02-06 17:17, John Hardin wrote:
On Thu, 6 Feb 2014, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

I've discussed it with Alex a bit but one of my next ideas for the Rules QA process is the following:

- we measure and report on metrics for the rules that are promoted such as rank (existing), computational expense, time spent on rule.

I assume meta rules would combine the expense of their components?

Sounds interesting!

How about if one or more components were called more by more than one meta-rule? It's perhaps not entirely fair to divide it evenly, since that might imply that removing the metarule would kill off that CPU usage.
Without triple checking the code, my 99.9% belief is Rules are cached. Calling them multiple times does not trigger a re-check.


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