On 2/17/2014 4:12 PM, Ian Zimmerman wrote:
On Mon, 17 Feb 2014 16:05:23 -0500
"Kevin A. McGrail" <kmcgr...@pccc.com> wrote:

Kevin> BAYES_999 is just a finer gradient on BAYES_99 allowing for a
Kevin> higher score on the top .001% of Bayes hits.

Thanks for your reply.  Could you explain in a bit more detail what
"gradient on top" (of another rule) means?  It doesn't mean the score
is meant to be additive with the base rule, does it?  'Cause these spams
_do not_ trigger any of the bayes rules _except_ for BAYES_999.  That's
why they score too low to be caught.

Sure. BAYES_99 used to hit for emails that the naive Bayesian classifier identified as 99% to 100% spam.

BAYES_99 is now split into two rules to give it finer gradient on scores for different percentages:

BAYES_99 99% to 99.9%
BAYES_999 99.9% to 100%

That split was theoretically being tested but got auto-promoted without a proper score defaulting to 1.


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