Hi guys

Spmd parameters

ps auxwwww | grep spamd
root      6679  0.3  1.3 130064 66940 ?        Ss   13:45   0:07
/usr/sbin/spamd --create-prefs --max-children 4 --helper-home-dir -s
/var/log/spamassass.log -d --pidfile=/var/run/spamd.pid
102       8747 82.5  1.4 136320 73632 ?        R    14:22   2:23 spamd child
nobody    8754 85.8  1.4 136228 73600 ?        R    14:22   2:23 spamd child
nobody    8772 87.6  1.4 135980 73388 ?        R    14:22   2:07 spamd child
102       8814 84.2  1.4 136052 73368 ?        D    14:23   1:41 spamd child
root      8979  0.0  0.0   6032   720 pts/0    S+   14:25   0:00 grep spamd

1. If it is not happening on all messages, how large are the messages it is
happening on?

Yes now its happen for the all the messages

2. Can you check your SA logs and see what the average scan times look like?

Scan time varis beteen 1 - 20 seconds

3 .Do you know how to change the timeout in the SA glue?
No , please advice

4. What is your SA glue layer?

Both exim and spamassin services runs in the same server , exim calls
spamassin via address

5. What hardware is devoted to SA? Is it perhaps overloaded?
Its runs on vmware server

Thank You

On 22 February 2014 03:55, Kevin A. McGrail <kmcgr...@pccc.com> wrote:

> What's your spamd parameters? something like ps auxwwww | grep spamd

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