The logic below just says (if the yes no feature is available).  That was added 
in 3.4.  So the logic you are writing just says if I am running 3.4, x 
otherwise y.

The goal of the can was to write a different report that used a special yes /no 

Noel Butler <> wrote:

>It worked perfectly with prior versions, only since upgrade to 3.4.0 is
>it using the first " its not spam" option, when it is spam (scores
>clearly show that), and not using the second *is* spam segment like
>previous versions did correctly, no mater I've wiped the test and will
>just force it report  as spam now.
>On Wed, 2014-02-26 at 05:55 -0500, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
>> Best I read, all that says is, if running 3.4 (which has that
>> is spam. The logic is the problem.
>> Regards,
>> KAM
>> Noel Butler <> wrote:
>>         Hi,
>>         Did anything change in custom report for 3.4.0 ?
>>         if can(Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::feature_yesno_takes_args)
>>         report  blah blah blah not spam
>>         else 
>>         report foobar is spam
>>         endif
>>         with all spam reports 3.4 now simply uses the blah blah blah
>>         section, telling users their mail is NOT spam when it is :)
>>         In interim I'll just comment out the test and have SA use the
>>         message is spam always since it should not write to a clean
>>         message anyway.
>>         Cheers

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