In fact, there was this error, even after fixing it still didn't work. I believe that the problem was occurring because the message had a HMTL attached and in turn had a link to the file. I decided to change and do as follows:

header __ORCAMENTO_H Subject =~ /or.*amento|planilha|urgente/i
body __ORCAMENTO_B  /or.*amento|planilha|urgente/i
mimeheader __ORCAMENTO_M Content-Disposition =~ /\.html[";]/i
score ORCAMENTO   5.5

I don't know if you're absolutely correct and efficient, but I did some tests with a few spams and seems to have worked

Em 28-05-2014 11:38, Bowie Bailey escreveu:
On 5/28/2014 9:19 AM, Rejaine Monteiro wrote:

I need a rule to block spam contains
Subject or Body contains words 'or.*amento' or 'planilha' or 'urgente'
AND URI contains links to orcamento or panilha (php or pdf)

So, I doing this:

header __ORCAMENTO_H Subject =~ /or.*amento|planilha|urgente/i
body __ORCAMENTO_B /or.*amento|planilha|urgente/i
score ORCAMENTO 5.5
describe ORCAMENTO Fala sobre orçamentos urgentes e contem links
supostamente para arquivos PDF

But is not working. What I'm doing wrong?

__JAMEF_ORCAMENTO_H is not the same as __ORCAMENTO_H.

Make sure you are using the same name in the meta as you use to define the rules.

I don't see anything else obviously wrong. If it's still not working, put a sample spam in pastebin and give us a link so we can see what the full spam looks like and test the rules for ourselves.

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