W dniu 10.09.2014 o 06:57, John Hardin pisze:
> On Tue, 9 Sep 2014, Marcin Mirosław wrote:
>> W dniu 09.09.2014 o 15:19, John Hardin pisze:
>>> On Tue, 9 Sep 2014, Marcin Mirosław wrote:
>>>> Hi again,
>>>> I noticed FP on mentioned rule when checking ham email. Due to
>>>> confidential content I don't want to share it on ML. Is somebody
>>>> willing
>>>> to improve mentioned rule or one case is not enough to look at it? If
>>>> somebody would like to look insight it I can send such email offlist.
>>> I'll take a look.
>> Hi!
>> Thank you. FUZZY_PILL has high score so it would be great to lower
>> chance of FP.
>> Attached email is has partially, manually removed pdf attachment. I hope
>> I didn't break mime parts too much. Attached email still triggers
>> Regards,
>> Marcin

I'm sorry for huge delay in answer.

> Is that email supposed to have an image attached to it? I note one of
> the MIME parts has this:
>    Content-Type: text/plain; name="mpanic.png"
> The content-type is wrong for a binary data attachment.
> That attachment also doesn't appear to be a valid .PNG image file. Are
> you actually able to view that as an image?

$ file mpanic.png
mpanic.png: PNG image data, 684 x 750, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced

Okular doesn't have problem with this image, thunderbird also displays
it in message.

> The FUZZY_XPILL hit is on what appears to be binary data in the message
> body, likely due to that attachment being interpreted as body text due
> to the MIME type. I can find what appears to be the matched string
> within the mpanic.png file, but not anywhere in the actual text part of
> the message.
> I think that you should contact whoever sent that message and have them
> review how they are generating it. I'm reluctant to call this SA's fault
> for trusting the MIME content type.

I'll try to contact but this is automated generated email with invoice.
I'm expecting that their can't modify buyed soft.


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