On 08/16/16 15:22, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

I read though the site, and here's why I probably couldn't implement it,
at least not as it stands now.

SpamAssassin basically depends on a diet of spam to feed the learner.
The learner learns what is spam.  If you add some ham into the learner
it works better - but the main thrust of it is feed me spam feed me spam.

Your method depends on a diet of -ham- not spam because you are doing the opposite of SA

My problem as an admin is this.  I can guarantee that when a customer
complains about a piece of junk, that what they give me is junk.

But customers don't complain about ham.  So I'm not going to see it.
And I cannot just iterate through all my customer mailboxes and
assume they are all full of ham, because some of my customers are
lazy and won't delete spam, or they don't read their mailbox for
months at a time, etc. etc.  I cannot guarantee I'll get only ham
by doing that - and so therfore I don't have a guaranteed source
of ham.

You said that your existing perl scripts are hacks and ugly.  But,
I'm wagering that most of your ugly programming is user interface
code that somehow coaxes your users to yield up a diet of ham.

My problem is there is a tremendous dearth of user interface code
out there to get EITHER spam or ham.

The closest I have ever found is the mailwatch interface but that is
god-awful complex.  I have it running on an ISP customer of mine's
mailserver but God what a hack.

Without that, all I can do is what I do now, which is make sure that
all customers accessing my server with IMAP have a junk mail folder and
know that if they drag spam into there that I'll suck it into the
learner.  Of course, POP3 clients have nothing and I cannot tell
some POP3 user "Oh if you really want to reduce your spam load then
give up your POP3 email client and use this slick webinterface I have setup for you to send and receive email."

I'm actually not as interested in your engine as I am in how you get
your customers to participate with it because if you have found a
way to get 'em to do it, that is truly revolutionary.

Mine would rather bitch and moan about spam and when they get it,
just delete it - which while it puts it in a deleted folder that I
can get at (if they are IMAP) it mixes it up with deleted ham, so
I cannot take that mess of mixed unidentified spam and ham and use it for anything.


Hi Ted,

My system depends on a stream of both ham and spam creating a ham corpus and a spam corpus. I already had many rules in place (Not SA) to identify ham. Actually all you need is my RBL hostkarma.junkemailfilter.com with result and the FcRDNS is good - there's your ham stream.

SA has a mindset of detecting spam. You have to change that to detecting spam and ham. Once you have streams going into the learner then you can not only increase spam detection, but you can positively identify good email as good and have almost no false positives. Then the output with strong scores are fed back into the learner where it learns how people who send ham speak and people who send spam speak. And it's very very effective. and I'm just giving it away.

Thanks for looking at it though.

Marc Perkel - Sales/Support
Junk Email Filter dot com

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