ABUSE.CH mantains an updated lists of ramsonware lists, here the txt file link :

It is very simple to make a shell script that check file changes every hour, 
download if there is a new one, and write a rule .cf using data contained in 
the file.

But hor to write a rule ?
We have more than 4000 URI in the file, we can do a single rule like this 
separating URIs with | :

describe URIRAMS  Match a Ramsonware URI
score URIRAMS 5.00

or is better to separe each URI :

uri __URIRAMS00001 /http:\/\/1natureresort\.com\/afdIJGY8766gyu/
uri __URIRAMS00002 /http:\/\/1jamprofit\.com\/hjy93JNBasdas/
meta URIRAMS (__URIRAMS00001 | __URIRAMS00002)
describe URIRAMS  Match a Ramsonware URI
score URIRAMS 5.00

Obviously this example is related to 2 entries, and we have 4000 entries here 
Any suggestion ?

Nicola Piazzi
CED - Sistemi
COMET s.p.a.
Via Michelino, 105 - 40127 Bologna - Italia
Tel.  +39 051.6079.293
Cell. +39 328.21.73.470
Web: www.gruppocomet.it<http://www.gruppocomet.it/>
[Descrizione: gc]

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