
Matt Jones

Senior Network Systems Specialist

On 05/04/2017, 20:26, "Bret Miller" <> wrote:

>On 4/5/2017 11:53 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> * when you subscribe you get a welcome message
>> * that message explains it and says "keep me stored"
>> * HOW did you subscribe? the same way you unsubscribe
>And if I subscribed 2 years ago, do you honestly think I remember how I
>> * every mailing list on this planet works the same way
>Actually, they don't. Most mailing lists I subscribe to contain an
>unsubscribe link at the bottom of the message.
>> common sense: how and why do you imagine that 1000, 2000 or how much
>> subscribers a list has handle your request?
>I don't. I'm just playing the other side here. Techies like us tend to
>be unfriendly about the way we communicate. We also expect people to
>just know stuff. But for people who are doing multiple jobs, and who
>isn't these days, the people who "just know" stuff are fewer.
>I would never send an unsubscribe to a list because I know it's bad
>etiquette, just like I know that typing in all caps is "shouting". But
>people do it all the time without meaning to offend anyone.
>The technology world has changed. Many people are used to graphical
>interfaces and haven't the slightest idea how to run anything from the
>command line. Many of them have never seen a message header, let alone
>could read it. I know there should be a higher expectation on this list.
>But would it be so bad to add a footer that says how to unsubscribe?
>It would be more friendly. And it would help people not offend others.
>Just saying...

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