On 6 Jul 2017, Marc Perkel outgrape:

> Hi Ted,
> You know what's interesting is that the adaptive immune system seems
> to work a lot like a spam filter or an antivirus program.

Heh, only if your spamfilters and/or antivirus programs intentionally
launch computer viruses at themselves to corrupt themselves to better
detect new spam or viruses. This is not a metaphor: this is how B cell
production actually works, using elements co-opted from ancient viruses
and parasitic DNA to chop up and reshuffle parts of their own genomes to
construct new sensors on the fly, and to re-tune those sensors when they
spot variants of previously-known pathogens, breeding billions of
distinct potential pathogen detectors and then suiciding all of them
that don't fit the target well enough or that fit parts of you by
mistake; one of the detectors for that case is the very family of
receptors that your current therapy is probably suppressing.

This does have downsides, because some of the machinery which identifies
when those sensors are accidentally attacking the body gets less and
less active as we grow older... hence autoimmune diseases get more and
more common the older we get.

> Technically what I did was a database update to my immune system to
> reclassify my cancer as enemy. And the code to kill the cancer is in
> the cancer.

Yeah, this is forcing off the "hey I am really part of you, you are
misfiring, please go away" proteins which virtually all cancers
eventually evolve to express (assuming they didn't have them already:
they *are* human cells, after all, so they all started out with them).

You're extra-unlucky, though: you're a mammal with a hemochorial
placenta (or rather you had one once), so you already have several genes
that are *meant* to turn ordinary cells into horribly invasive tissues
that can invade almost anything and spread at terrifying rates. All the
cancer has to do is mess up their regulation and turn them on...

NULL && (void)

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