Hi guys,

I'm not sure if anyone here is working with the following combination (or similar):

Server: svn 1.6.5 (latest) + apache 2.2.12 (latest) on ubuntu karmic(9.10) 64bit
Client: Windows XP or Vista, NetDrive (latest)

Server is configured to do autoversioning via WebDAV as per svnbook:

<Location /svn>
       DAV svn
       SVNParentPath /var/svn
       SVNAutoversioning on
       ModMimeUsePathInfo on

My client can mount(connect) this "drive" just fine and browse through the directory hierarchy but when trying to open any files they are corrupted because they're only half retrieved from the server (tried it on a couple of large text files). Every now and then NetDrive reports errors but nothing helpful. At the same time the following appears in my apache error logs over and over again:

[Tue Jan 12 13:42:32 2010] [error] [client xx.xx.xx.xx] (32)Broken pipe: Could not write data to filter. [500, #0] [Tue Jan 12 13:42:32 2010] [error] [client xx.xx.xx.xx] Unable to deliver content. [500, #0]

and occasionally

[Tue Jan 12 13:42:31 2010] [error] [client] Unable to deliver content. [500, #0] [Tue Jan 12 13:42:31 2010] [error] [client] (104)Connection reset by peer: Could not write data to filter. [500, #0]

This happens almost all the time and makes my repo kind of useless on Windows (no, tortoisesvn won't work because we're dealing with very non-technical users...). I know NetDrive is commercial software but firstly it did come recommended in the svn book with supposedly no known issues and secondly it is (apart from WebDrive) my only option when it comes to mounting my svn repository as a file system on Windows. It seems like some kind of buffering problem but not sure how helpful the Novell support will be in trouble shooting this one...

Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.


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