

I discovered an imperfection of subversion 1.6.6 (at least in my eyes) last 
days when I was merging some files from our trunk into the stable branch.

All the merge tracking information of all files in one directory have been 

The detailed situation was the following.

/                 (added svn:mergeinfo /trunk:r4)

/directory1       (added svn:mergeinfo /trunk/directory1:r4*)

/directory1/file1 (added svn:mergeinfo /trunk/directory1/file1:r4)


Take into account that file1 represents a few dozen files in the 
'directory1'-directory (all with the same 'r4'-mergeinfo).

In my eyes the merge information for /directory1 and the files in it is 

Shouldn't 'Mergeinfo Elision' consolidate the merge-tracking information down 
to the "root"?


Is this behavior correct? Or have I found a bug or at least an imperfection in 

I have attached a batch script (see below) that reproduces the issue - or at 
least it should illustrate what I was doing.


How can I avoid the creation of this bunch of merge tracking information during 
the merge?

Surely, I can revert the merge-information on directory1 before committing my 
merges (but that seems to be very inconvenient).


Thanks in advance for any hint.


Best regards,


Andreas Ländle



rem create test environment

rmdir TestSvnMerge /S /Q

mkdir TestSvnMerge

cd TestSvnMerge

svnadmin create repos

mkdir project

mkdir project\trunk

mkdir project\trunk\a

mkdir project\trunk\b

echo "EXTERNAL" > project\trunk\b\content.txt

echo "FILE" > project\trunk\a\file1.txt

echo "FILE" > project\trunk\a\file2.txt

svn import project file:///testsvnmerge/repos -m "Import"

rmdir project /S /Q


rem co trunk & create external

svn co file:///testsvnmerge/repos/trunk trunk-wc

svn propset svn:externals "../b/content.txt content.txt" trunk-wc\a

svn ci trunk-wc -m "Added external"

svn update trunk-wc


rem create branch

svn copy file:///testsvnmerge/repos/trunk file:///testsvnmerge/repos/branch -m 
"Created branch"

svn co file:///testsvnmerge/repos/branch branch-wc


rem edit file (in trunk)

echo "FILE1" > trunk-wc\a\file1.txt

svn ci trunk-wc -m "Edited file"


rem merge from trunk in branch

svn merge -r 3:4 trunk-wc branch-wc


rem visualize the problem

svn diff branch-wc

svn status branch-wc



Soloplan GmbH
Software für Logistik und Planung
Andreas Ländle
Burgstraße 20 | 87435 Kempten | Deutschland
Telefon: +49 831 57407-465 | Telefax: +49 831 57407-111
E-Mail: a...@soloplan.de <mailto:a...@soloplan.de>  | Web: www.soloplan.de 
Geschäftsführer: Wolfgang Heidl, HRB 5304 Kempten


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