Greetings, Dave Purrington!

> Lately we have been experiencing intermittent timeouts with our Subversion
> operations. It does not happen initially, but after a while it starts
> happening. Restarting Apache alleviates the problem, but it comes back after
> a time. As you can imagine, this wreaks havoc.

> Our operating environment:

>    - server - Windows 2003
>    - Apache 2.2.13
>    - Subversion server 1.6.3
>    - Subversion client 1.6.6
>    - mod_auth_sspi 1.0.4-2.0.58
>    - 200+ very active users, ~74K files

Server: Apache/2.2.11 (Win32) mod_auth_sspi/1.0.5 SVN/1.6.1 PHP/5.2.2 DAV/2

 Andrey Repin ( 15.01.2010, <17:48>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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