Hi svn users! I'm new to subversion, so i apologize in advance if the question is silly.

In my research group we need to have a local copy of this project:

i've downloaded via svn checkout:
svn co https://rsf.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rsf/trunk /opt/rsf/src
and everything is ok.

Then we need to have a local svn repository, which contains the same data from sourceforge, plus our local users' sources.
I've set up the local repository, importing the current revision from
svn import /opt/rsf/src file:///svnrepos/rsf

Local users can work on file:///svnrepos/rsf repository without any problem, but my question is: how can i periodically update the repository from the main svn server (sourceforge)?

In other words i need the local svn server to act also as a client which regularly updates its content from the sourceforge repository, while keeping local users' directories.

Thank you for your help!

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