On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 9:59 AM, C. Michael Pilato <cmpil...@collab.net> wrote:
> Jack VAN GORKUM wrote:
>> Can multiple users concurrently access Subversion repositories using
>> both the svnserve Server and the Apache HTTP Server ?
>> Is there any risk of conflicts/corruption if both methods are used at
>> the same time ?
> Nope, not as long as you've got the various servers running with sane
> permissions and such (so one doesn't create repository files that the other
> can't read or somesuch).  Subversion was designed to allow simultaneous
> access via any of its repository access (RA) protocols.

We've been running with both access methods on a single repository
with 100-ish users and 150k commits for 3 years.  The only two hitches
we've had:
1) Someone mistakenly added a "svn:" property (that was the *entire*
property name) via svn which causes http to choke.  I worked around it
by doing a full dump/load of the repo to eliminate the bad property
and by adding a pre-commit filter to trap any such future errors.
More details here: http://svn.haxx.se/users/archive-2010-01/0009.shtml
2) Some merge operations have failed via http, but succeeded via svn.
Sorry don't have details handy.  This is actually the only reason I
keep the svn access method enabled.


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