I want to obtain a list of files that have changed between two versions.

If it was a working copy, I could use
svn status
svn diff

With two versions in the repository, I can still use
svn diff -r 400:401
but cannot use
svn status -r 400:401

And: it would be valuable to have a switch for file-names-only:
svn status -r 400:401 --file-names-only
svn diff -r 400:401 `svn status -r 400:401 --file-names-only | grep -v clw`

So: how do I retrieve that list, and how do I make a feature request?

(PS In fact, with the help of awk and grep I extracted the list that I wanted, 
although I cannot find the command line in the history

And what I really wanted was to exclude .clw and one more file from the diff 
report. It was something like
svn diff -r 400:401 `svn svn diff -r 400:401 | awk '<something>' | grep -v clw 
| grep -v <ext2>`

But if I had svn status -r 400:401, I would likely just copy&paste from its 


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