> I have the following problem. Repository A is used by a lab 
> of developers. 1 developer needs to work off site against the 
> code base held in A, for an extended period of time. He 
> requires version control, but cannot gain access to 
> Repository A. To solve this we can dump/mirror A into 
> repository B. During this period A and B will independently 
> updated. When the off site developer returns  we need to 
> combine B back into A. Any advice on whether this is possible 
> under Subversion, should
>   we be dumping, how to combine, pitfalls and options/hints 
> much appreciated.

You could use vendor branches 
(http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.0/ch07s04.html).  Note that with this 
solution you will not be able to retain individual commits in B when merging 
back from B to A - it will appears as one commit.  Alternatively, you could set 
up git for repository B and use git-svn 
(http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-svn.html) when you want to 


^ Frode Tennebø               | email: frode.tenn...@saabgroup.com ^
| Saab Technologies Norway AS | Isebakkeveien 49                   |
| N-1788 Halden               | Phone: +47 45 24 99 39             |
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