Thanks for responding.

I was hopping that someone did put something together to handle this.
It looks like doable with a pre-commit hook that would have a look in a db (or a file) to find out if the user is JD or SD. For JDs, the commit could be made dry-run, and the script could in such case send a mail to SDs who could later reply to in order to do the actual commit (eg authorize it), or not. Unfortunately, I still have a lot of doc to read about svn and not so much time as us all.
But since I saw it working, I keep faith ;-)

Le 17/02/2010 14:30, Andy Levy a écrit :
On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 08:17, dcz<>  wrote:

Here is what I'm trying to do : some user (let's call them junior developer)
should require their commit to be authorized by other (senior developer)
before they would actually be committed.

Since I saw this feature on an svn (though I do not administrate this one,
so I can't tell how it is done, but it's svn for sure) and found it pretty
useful, I was a bit surprised not to be able to find any topic about it
after hours a googling.

Would be very nice if someone could share thoughts about how to set such
feature up.

Subversion has no such feature, which is why you can't find anything about it.

You can approach this a couple of ways. 2 that come to mind immediately:
1) Junior developer (JD) submits patches to the senior developer (SD).
SD reviews the patch&  commits when he's satisfied.
2) JD gets his own private branch&  can commit to it all day long.
When he's ready for a code review, SD looks it over&  merges JD's work
into trunk (or wherever your main development is done). This will
require that JD's branch be kept up to date with regular merges from
trunk so that he's not conflicting with other peoples' work.

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