On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 12:07 PM, Paul Decker <kg...@comcast.net> wrote:

> Hi list,
> I recently changed jobs and went from a cvs house to a svn house.   They
> have many projects and have an extensive shared source base.   I would like
> to know if there is a way to setup to check out a list of folders or
> files.   In other words, for each project, I want to check out only files
> that are directly related to that project rather than evey file which is in
> the shared directory.
> ie.
> projects\
> \display
> \display2
> \display3
> \comm
> \usb
> \tcp
> \keyboard
> \spi
> \i2c
> \flash
> \eeprom
> Some projects use {display, comm, keyboard, spi } while other projects use
> {display, usb, spi, flash }   currently, the only way of working is to check
> out all folders.
> Is there a better way to work?
> thanks,
> Paul
See  http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.advanced.sparsedirs.html

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