On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 05:14, Giulio Troccoli
<giulio.trocc...@uk.linedata.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> We are starting using externals to publish some documentation for our 
> customer. The repository contains test files and documentation about the 
> testing. Some of these files and docs need to be made available to our 
> customer. So I thought of creating a Public folder and define the 
> svn:external property to pull down only the bits that we need.
> As part of the process however we decided to also reorganise the documents, 
> especially because some of the original file are buried into 5 or more 
> directories. An example of svn:external would be
> ^/api/5.31/Completed%20Projects%20(non-iTest%20docs)/5.11.23 5.31/5.11.23
> This works very well, creating the 5.31 and 5.11.23 directories. However, if 
> we want to pull down a single file, e.g.
> ^/api/5.31/Completed%20Projects%20(non-iTest%20docs)/basic%20data%20cleansing/End%20To%20End%20_basic%20data%20cleansing.xls
>  "5.31/basic data cleansing/End To End _basic data cleansing.xls"
> then svn update fails with the message
> Fetching external item into '5.31\basic data cleansing\End To End _basic data 
> cleansing.xls'
> svn: warning: '5.31\basic data cleansing' is not a working copy
> I thought I couldn't pull down a single file but only directories but the 
> manual says I can, and if I change the external as
> ^/api/5.31/Completed%20Projects%20(non-iTest%20docs)/basic%20data%20cleansing/End%20To%20End%20_basic%20data%20cleansing.xls
>  "End To End _basic data cleansing.xls"
> then the file is retrieved.
> I have looked in the archive and the only related message I found is a very 
> old one about subversion 1.2.3 
> http://svn.haxx.se/tsvnusers/archive-2005-12/0068.shtml
> So, it seems to me this is a bug. I was able to write a little ksh script 
> (attached) to reproduced the problem.

Not only does it seem like a bug, it seems like this one.

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