Bingo!  That was it.  Thank you Chris and David.  David, I'm sorry I didn't try 
executing the script as the user the hook script runs as (which is apache BTW) 
as I already had a workaround.  But when Chris mentioned that the /root 
directory is typically setup with root access only the light finally went on in 
my head.  So I tried it and, sure enough, that is  why Perl couldn't find my 

I guess I'll just leave my libraries where I put them for the workaround.

Thanks again guys for your help.  I really appreciate it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Shelton [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 12:13 PM
To: Craig Thayer
Subject: Re: Perl can't find my libraries when run via the subversion 
post-commit script


On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 12:20 PM, Craig Thayer <> wrote:

> Yes, I have tested the script on the Subversion server and it runs just fine. 
>  And I agree it is obvious that Perl is including the directories to my 
> libraries (so the use lib statements are working as designed as you stated).  
> However, it is Perl that is complaining that it can't find my libraries even 
> though they are clearly in the @INC path.  I have never run into this 
> situation before and I believe it has to do with the fact that the Subversion 
> hook is running with no environment defined, but why it makes Perl not able 
> to find my libs ONLY when it runs as a Subversion hook I haven't a clue.

Did you run the script "as the user that runs Subversion" as David
suggested?  This user is generally apache, nobody, www-data or such on
unix type systems.  The /root directory is typically setup with root
user only access, which would prevent a script running as a non-root
user from being able to access files in /root/perl5/lib.


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